Saturday 18 August 2012

What is the wedding ceremony?

What is the wedding ceremony?

I've done some basic web research to see what brides and grooms know about the wedding ceremony. 

Everything is quite correct. And very practical.  A few websites talk about the guests being on time, consider seating and bathrooms, don't lose the rings, completing the paperwork, flowers for the flower girls and rehearsing vows..

When you consult your celebrant, and we ask you what you want for the ceremony, we are focusing on something far more practical and personal.  Your story.

Whether you are a romanticist, a realist or simply existential - you and your guests are actors on a page in a story that you are carefully or chaotically, intimiately or with a cast of thousands! drawing togther.

Crepe Bouquet says:
"The ceremony is closure and a beginning 
Closure to you and your family,
To friends and your community,
Of your life and identity pre-marriage,
To refresh you at your new beginning."

Crepe Bouquet

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